Greetings First Ward family! Announcements for the Week of January 1, 2023
Happy New Year
WEEKLY INSPIRATION: Famous Quotes on setting and achieving goals.
Amelia Earhart is quoted as saying, “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is mere tenacity”.
Her Brooks, Coach of the 1980 Gold medal U.S. Hockey team said, “Risk something, or forever sit with your dreams”.
President Nelson is quoted as saying,”…..Thus our goals are great and greater. Great goals relate to temporal attainments. Greater goals relate to attributes of personal character. Goals to DO can be incremental; Goals to BE can be monumental. Such attributes of character are worthy of our attention as we strive to be whom we ought to be”
This Week Events at a Glance: (Details further below)
Sat-31 Clean The Church 8:00 A.M. All are invited.
New Years Eve Bash
Sun-1 Sunday Services: 1:00 P.M.
Mon-2 Waffle Night With the Bishop
Thur-5 Sports Night Soccer, Volleyball
Temple Night: Our Ward Temple night is still the 3rd Friday of each month. Plan ahead, As Pres. Nelson asks, make time for the Lord by scheduling time in the Temple, and then keep that appointment. Friday January 20th is our next Ward Temple night. This will be at the Boise Temple; 7:00 pm session (Baptisms, Initiatory or Endowment). Go to and secure your reservation. We’ll plan for Pie afterwards at the Northview building… If you can’t come to the Temple, still come for pie.. You can be assured to see a friendly face as members of the Bishopric and their wives will be in all areas of the Temple that night.
World Wide Young Adult Devotional with Elder and Sister Holland
January 8 Elder Holland and his wife will speak directly to Young Adults tonight Make plans to join the streamed broadcast.
FHE/Ward Activities to make note of: Make sure you plan to spend time each week with your ward family. Typically this is Monday Nights @ 7:00 P.M.
31st New Years Eve Celebration: This will be at Columbia High School this year 301 Happy Valley Road. Games, Food, Dancing, Photo Booth. Mechanical Bull, and more fun…. Plan to attend, take a friend.

2nd Waffle Night is back: It’s been a while it seems. Lets get together and learn about everyone’s Holiday travels while enjoying the best waffles West of the Mississippi.
Priesthood and Relief Society Lessons
Jan 8th Happy and Forever Elder Gong
Jan 22nd Overcome The world and Find Rest Pres. Nelson
Institute:Make sure you take time to review the Institute offerings for the winter semester, and take advantage of all that Institute has to offer. Contact Matt McKenzie or Sean McKenzie if you need help with this… There are new classes being offered.. There is something great for everyone.
New Boise YSA Stake Website:
Want to know what you’ve been missing out on… Check out the URL to the Boise Idaho YSA Stake Website. Don’t miss out on Stake and Institute activities.
MID SINGLES (25+ Activities):
If you have questions, or suggestions for future fun, you can talk to Sister Krommenhoek.
Service Opportunities:
Saturday: Remember that we are responsible for cleaning the church in December. We have a ONE more week and will need all available members. Bishop is asking everyone to serve at least once. The process is simple, and typically takes about 1 hour. We begin at 8:00 A.M. We have One Saturday remaining in December. The 31st.. New Years Eve will be a fun way to get the party going… See you all there.
Sign up for a time you can go out for visits with the Ward Missionaries. They try to make visits each week and would love to have others join with them, as well as the full time missionaries. Scan the QR code, or use the following link to share a time you are available.
Pay attention as we move into 2023 for more opportunities to serve.
Sports Opportunities:
Soccer – Thursday nights beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Northview building . Contact J.P. for additional information.
Volleyball – Thursday nights at the YSA Stake Center on Boise Ave, 3200 W Boise Ave.
There is also Volleyball at the 3rd Ward Building on Meridian Rd 6650 N. Meridian Rd.
- Indexing is fun and challenging! If you’ve never indexed before, go to Indexing Overview — and learn all about it. President Nelson said “The gathering of Israel is the most important thing taking place on the earth today. Nothing else compares in magnitude, nothing else compares in importance, nothing else compares in majesty.” To assist in the gathering we are inviting each member of the Boise YSA 1st Ward to complete 1 batch of indexed names by year end.
The Boise FamilySearch Center is offering the following classes this week:
The Boise FamilySearch Center is offering the following classes this week:
Tue -Jan 3 11:00 am RootsMagic-Learn the power of RootsMagic. Bring your questions!
Fri – Jan 6 11:00 am FindMyPast-Introduction to
Sat – Jan 7 11:30 am Beginner’s Series – PART 1-Learning the basics
Temple Recommends: Please check your temple recommend (either Standard or Baptism and Confirmation) and make sure it’s up to date. It’s best to make an appointment to reserve your spot, so go to Please contact Bishop’s Executive Sec. (Brother Crane) or a member of the Bishopric for an appointment. Brother Walton is also available to accommodate you on Sunday after church, or Tuesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00 at the church. Regardless of the day or time, the Bishopric is eager to assist you.
Ministering Visits: Please check-in with the members of our ward family you are assigned to minister to. While many folks are doing fine, others need help in a variety of ways — and the only way to know is to check in with them. If you have questions about your ministering assignments, please check with President Schultz or President Mora.
If you have announcements that you’d like posted, please let Bro. Walton, or another member of the Bishopric know and we’ll do our best to help communicate information to the ward.